EPIC Alert – Volume 11 (2004)

EPIC Alert – Volume 11 (2004)

EPIC Alert 11.01 (January 14, 2004)

  1. US-VISIT Launched; U.S. Pushes for Passenger Info
  2. Defense Department Report Blasts Total Information Awareness
  3. Judge Sides With EPIC on FOIA Quick Review, But Rules for DOJ
  4. FOIA Document Covers Palladium Privacy, Unique Identifier Issues
  5. Officials Question DC Police Handling of Political Demonstrations
  6. News in Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: The Naked Crowd
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.02 (January 29, 2004)

  1. EPIC FOIA Docs: Northwest Gave NASA Info on Millions of Passengers
  2. Docs Show Treasury Dept. Sided with Industry on Privacy Law
  3. Bush Urges USA PATRIOT Act Renewal in State of the Union Address
  4. Report Finds “Fundamental” Flaws in Pentagon E-Voting System
  5. Bruce Schneier: “Moving Towards Universal Surveillance”
  6. News In Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: The Privacy Law Sourcebook 2003
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.03 (February 11, 2004)

  1. EPIC FOIA Docs Show Acxiom Was Considered as TIA Data Source
  2. Pentagon Cancels Internet Voting Project
  3. FBI Asks FCC to Delay Discussion of Internet Phone Rules
  4. DHS Deputy Secretary Questioned About Passenger Profiling
  5. EPIC and PI Open Nominations for Brandeis, Big Brother Awards
  6. News In Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: Protecting America’s Health
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.04 (February 25, 2004)

  1. Supreme Court Sides With Government on Privacy Act Damages
  2. Agencies Issue Reports on CAPPS II, JetBlue Disclosure
  3. FBI Asks FCC to Delay Discussion of Internet Phone Rules
  4. EPIC Testifies on Medical Privacy and Banking
  5. Courts Reject Business “Free Speech” Challenges to Privacy Law
  6. News In Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: The Patriot Act Game
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.05 (March 9, 2004)

  1. EPIC Files Brief in National DNA Database Case
  2. International Privacy Framework Almost Final
  3. EPIC Replies to Northwest’s Defense of Privacy Policy Breach
  4. Electronic Voting Problems Plague Super Tuesday
  5. Gov’t Seeks Public Comment on Important Privacy Regulations
  6. News In Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: Beyond Genetics
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.06 (March 24, 2004)

  1. Supreme Court Hears Compelled ID Case
  2. EPIC Testifies on Air Profiling System
  3. DC Council Unveils DC Police’s Spying Practices
  4. More States Back Out of MATRIX
  5. EPIC’s Open Government Work Recognized With Madison Award
  6. News In Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: Ben Franklin’s Web Site
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.07 (April 8, 2004)

  1. Homeland Security Dept. Expands Visitor Tracking System
  2. European Parliament Slams EU-US Agreement on Passenger Data
  3. EPIC Comments on Short Notices, Spam, Biometrics
  4. Canadian Court OKs Peer-to-Peer Sharing
  5. Bill Criminalizing Inaccurate Domain Info Advances In House
  6. News In Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: Overruling Democracy
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.08 (April 29, 2004)

  1. EPIC Files Gmail FOIA Requests; Groups Call for System Suspension
  2. EPIC Files Brief in Maryland DNA Database Case
  3. EPIC Urges FCC to Reject Expansion of CALEA
  4. American Airlines Admits Disclosing Passenger Data
  5. New U.S. Election Assistance Commission Begins its Work
  6. News In Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: MoveOn’s 50 Ways to Love Your Country
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.09 (May 13, 2004)

  1. FOIA Doc Shows Massive Disclosure of Passenger Data to FBI
  2. Wiretap Reports Released; Secret Warrants Exceed Standard Warrants
  3. Groups Ask California to Investigate Google’s Gmail
  4. EPIC Urges Opt-In Privacy for Wireless Devices
  5. Commission Holds Hearing on E-Voting Technology
  6. News In Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: All The Laws But One
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.10 (May 29, 2004)

  1. Freedom 2.0 Examines Distributed Democracy
  2. Senator Leahy Receives EPIC Champion of Freedom Award
  3. Italian Official Offers European Perspective on Privacy
  4. Vint Cerf Discusses Privacy and the Internet
  5. Oversight Groups Issue Reports on Government Data Mining
  6. News In Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: The Public Voice WSIS Sourcebook
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.11 (June 10, 2004)

  1. EPIC Sues Agencies for Passenger Data Disclosure Info
  2. DHS and EU Council Reach Agreement on Airline Passenger Data
  3. House Committee Suspends US-VISIT Contract
  4. Business Coalition Seeks Change to Junk Fax Regulations
  5. ICANN Calls for Comments on WHOIS Process
  6. News In Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: Credit Scores & Credit Reports
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.12 (June 24, 2004)

  1. Supreme Court Upholds Arrest for Refusal to Give Identification
  2. EPIC Recommends Protections for Social Security Numbers
  3. Info on PATRIOT Act Surveillance Authority Released
  4. EPIC Proposes RFID Privacy Guidelines to the FTC
  5. EPIC Opposes Ratification of Cybercrime Convention
  6. Top TSA Official Admits Vast Collection of Air Passenger Data
  7. News In Brief
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.13 (July 12, 2004)

  1. Supreme Court Upholds Block on Web Censorship Law
  2. EPIC Calls for Suspension of Registered Traveler Program
  3. Federal Court OKs Service Provider E-mail Interception
  4. Judge Upholds Country’s Strongest State Financial Privacy Law
  5. Voter Identification Bills Introduced in Congress
  6. News in Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: Jennifer Government
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.14 (July 22, 2004)

  1. Ridge Declares CAPPS II Dead; Questions Remain
  2. 9/11 Commission Releases Final Report
  3. EPIC Testifies in Favor of RFID Privacy
  4. Appeals Court Urged to Reverse Ruling on PATRIOT Records
  5. EPIC Sues for Defense Data Mining Records
  6. News in Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: Privacy in the 21st Century
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.15 (August 4, 2004)

  1. EPIC Report: Homeland Security Given Census Data on Arab Americans
  2. White House Responds to 9/11 Commission Report
  3. Court Rejects Agency Effort to Withhold CAPPS II Info From EPIC
  4. Agencies Issue Rules on Homeless Tracking; Bank Customer ID
  5. Congress Considers Bills to Strengthen E-Mail Privacy
  6. News in Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: A Little Knowledge
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.16 (August 27, 2004)

  1. Homeland Security To Test New Passenger Prescreening System
  2. FCC Imposes Rules on Internet Telephony; Bans Wireless Spam
  3. Federal Appeals Court Upholds Compelled DNA Production
  4. EPIC Files Amicus Brief Arguing Against Secret Law
  5. EPIC Urges Privacy Protections for Auto Black Boxes
  6. News in Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: Whistleblowing Around the World
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.17 (September 10, 2004)

  1. EPIC Files Briefs in Support of Driver and Financial Privacy
  2. Bill Introduced to Make 9/11 Commission Recommendations Law
  3. Census Bureau Revamps Policy on Data Sharing
  4. EPIC Files Comments on Use of Voter Social Security Numbers
  5. Bush Establishes Civil Liberties Board
  6. News in Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: Your Evil Twin
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.18 (September 24, 2004)

  1. Poland Conference Examines Privacy in a New Era
  2. Gov’t Details Secure Flight; Documents Show CAPPS II Mission Creep
  3. Wireless Privacy Bill Moves Forward in Senate
  4. EPIC Challenges Dismissal of Privacy Claim Against Northwest
  5. EPIC Testifies on Voting and Privacy
  6. News in Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: Litigation Under the Federal Open Government Laws
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.19 (October 8, 2004)

  1. Coalition Asks Congress to Deliberate 9-11 Comm. Recommendations
  2. EPIC Urges Congress to Protect Social Security Numbers
  3. Appeals Court Votes to Revisit E-Mail Interception Case
  4. Business “Free Speech” Claims Fail to Block Do-Not-Call Registry
  5. California Enacts New, Innovative Privacy Protections
  6. News in Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: Losing America
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.20 (October 21, 2004)

  1. FBI Backs Down in EPIC Lawsuit for Release of Secure Flight Info
  2. Award Winners Question Science Funding for Mass Surveillance
  3. Ethics Committee Reprimands Congressman For Misleading Agency
  4. Federal Agency Approves RFID Implant for Health Care Use
  5. Foreign Government Seizes Indymedia Servers in UK
  6. News in Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: The Identity Theft Protection Guide
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.21 (November 5, 2004)

  1. 17,000 Election Day Incidents Reported by Voters, Election Staff
  2. EPIC Urges Agency to Postpone Secure Flight Testing
  3. EPIC Recommends Privacy Protections for Public Records
  4. Privacy Officials Denounce Collection of Canadians’ Data
  5. EPIC Calls For US-VISIT Data Safeguards
  6. News in Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: The Box Man
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.22 (November 18, 2004)

  1. EPIC Releases 2004 Privacy and Human Rights Report
  2. Agency Orders 72 Airlines to Turn Over Passenger Information
  3. EPIC Joins Coalition to Support Privacy in Email Intercept Case
  4. Government Report Finds SSNs in Many State, County Records
  5. FTC Proposes Major Telemarketing Loophole
  6. News in Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: Privacy and Human Rights 2004
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.23 (December 8, 2004)

  1. EPIC FOIA Request Shows CIA Funded Internet Surveillance in U.S.
  2. Free Credit Reports Available; Credit Agencies Block Links to Them
  3. Congress Establishes Privacy Offices in Federal Agencies
  4. United Kingdom Takes Steps Toward National ID Card
  5. Global Coalition Launches Anti-Fingerprint Campaign in Europe
  6. News in Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: The Digital Person
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 11.24 (December 23, 2004)

  1. EPIC Hosts Privacy and Public Voice Conference in Africa
  2. Intelligence Reform Law Creates New Standards for ID Documents
  3. EPIC Seeks Investigation of ChoicePoint, Data Brokers
  4. Coalition Objects to Selective Service, University Data Matching
  5. EPIC FOIA Request Shows Postal Machines Take and Store Photos
  6. News in Brief
  7. EPIC Bookstore: 9/11 and Terrorist Travel
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

Special EPIC Alert (January 11, 2005)

Special EPIC Alert: 2004 Privacy Year in Review