EPIC Alert – Volume 4 (1997)

EPIC Alert – Volume 4 (1997)

EPIC Alert 4.01 (January 10, 1997)

  1. Crypto in the Courts
  2. Final Export Regulations Released
  3. New Online Privacy Bill Introduced in Congress
  4. WIPO Treaties Adopted: Privacy Issues Remain
  5. Federal Reserve Launches Privacy Study
  6. Federal Trade Commissions Sidesteps Privacy Concerns
  7. HHS Seeks Comments on Medical Privacy
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.02 (January 24, 1997)

  1. Appeals Court Punts Crypto Export Case
  2. Stage Set for Supreme Court CDA Showdown
  3. FBI Releases New Wiretap Capacity Notice
  4. New Government Crypto Algorithm Sought
  5. States Introduce New Privacy Bills
  6. EPIC Congressional Bill Tracking
  7. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.03 (February 27, 1997)

  1. New Report Details FBI/European Tapping Agreements
  2. Airline Security Report Released
  3. Briefs Filed in Reno v. ACLU Internet “Indecency” Challenge
  4. Crypto Legislation Introduced
  5. Clipper Upgrade at DOD/Litigation Update
  6. State Department Reports Widespread Illegal Wiretapping Worldwide
  7. New Medical Privacy Survey
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.04 (March 17, 1997)

  1. Reno v. ACLU: The Communications Decency Act on Trial
  2. Background on the Litigation
  3. EPIC Statement on Supreme Court Argument
  4. The CDA and International Censorship
  5. EPIC Bookstore: First Amendment Reading
  6. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.05 (April 8, 1997)

  1. OECD Releases Crypto Guidelines
  2. White House Floats Draft Crypto Bill
  3. FAA Calls for Collecting SSNs of all Air Travelers
  4. Groups Urge IETF to Fix Cookies
  5. National Research Council Reports on Privacy of Medical Systems
  6. FTC To Conduct Hearings on Privacy, Investigate Databases
  7. NTIA Files Comments on Privacy of Telephone Calling Information
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.06 (April 17, 1997)

  1. Germany Indicts CompuServe Official
  2. House & Senate Approve IRS Browsing Bills
  3. Supreme Court Strikes Down Drug Testing Law
  4. SSN Bills Introduced in House and Senate
  5. Commission Recommends Genetic Privacy Law
  6. SSA Drops Web Page
  7. EPIC Submits Comments to FTC on Consumer Privacy
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.07 (May 8, 1997)

  1. House Subcommittee Approves Encryption Bill
  2. EPIC Testifies on SSA Privacy
  3. White House Task Force Issues Privacy Paper
  4. Global Coalition Protests German CompuServe Prosecution
  5. Digital Wiretapping Update
  6. Become a Statistic — WWW Survey Now Underway
  7. New Compilation of Privacy Laws
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.08 (June 5, 1997)

  1. FTC Privacy Hearings Set to Begin
  2. FBI Director Seeks Enhanced Surveillance Capabilities
  3. Cryptographers Call Key-Escrow Unworkable
  4. Anti-Spam Legislation Introduced
  5. Clinton Endorses Privacy Rights
  6. Annual U.S. Wiretap Report Released
  7. 1997 EPIC Cryptography Sourcebook Now Available
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.09 (June 18, 1997)

  1. EPIC Files Suit For Crypto Czar Records
  2. McCain/Kerrey Introduce Crypto Restrictions Bill
  3. Computer Security Act Revisions Proposed in House
  4. First Amendment Pledge Campaign Launched On Eve of CDA Decision
  5. Georgia Tech Releases New Online Privacy Survey
  6. Torricelli Introduces New Spam Bill
  7. GILC to Meet at INET in Malaysia
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.10 (July 10, 1997)

  1. Post-CDA: The “Filtering” Debate Begins
  2. ALA Opposes Use of “Filtering” Software in Libraries
  3. Senate Judiciary Committee Holds Crypto Hearing
  4. European Union Rejects Key Escrow Encryption
  5. White House Releases “Framework for Global Electronic Commerce”
  6. New Bills Introduced in Congress
  7. EPIC Bookstore / EPIC Crypto Sourcebook
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.11 (July 23, 1997)

  1. AOL to Sell Subscriber Telephone Numbers
  2. Search Engine Rating Scheme Touted at White House
  3. Another House Committee Approves SAFE Crypto Bill
  4. FTC Acts on Kids’ Privacy
  5. Cellular Phone Group Asks FCC to Set Wiretap Standards
  6. New Bills in Congress
  7. New at the EPIC Bookstore
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.12 (September 4, 1997)

  1. SSA to Restore Online Web Service
  2. Freeh Makes It Official: FBI Wants Mandatory Key Escrow
  3. Crypto in the Courts: Update on Bernstein, Karn & Junger Cases
  4. Media Group Says “No” to Internet Ratings
  5. U.S. Government Web Sites Fail to Protect Privacy
  6. Consumer Groups Question FTC Privacy Report
  7. Clinton Signs IRS Browsing Bill
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.13 (September 26, 1997)

  1. House Committee Rejects Domestic Crypto Ban
  2. HHS Releases Medical Privacy Recommendations
  3. Employment Eligibility Pilot Programs Begin
  4. White House Commission Urges Scrutiny of Private Employees
  5. ID Cards to Cost $10 Billion
  6. Imagine: FBI Finally Releases John Lennon Files
  7. New Bills in Congress
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.14 (Special Book Edition) (October 19, 1997)

  1. About the EPIC Bookstore
  2. Books – Two From EPIC
  3. Consumer Privacy
  4. First Amendment and Free Expression
  5. Web Privacy, Security and Online Commerce
  6. Politics of Privacy
  7. Our Favorites
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.15 (November 10, 1997)

  1. Amicus Brief Filed in Landmark Encryption Case
  2. Infowar Report Released
  3. EC Rejects Key Escrow Encryption
  4. Congress Critical of FBI Wiretap Proposals
  5. FCC Proposes Requiring V-chips for Computers
  6. Update on Open Government Cases
  7. Congressional Action and New Bills
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.16 (December 11, 1997)

  1. EPIC Report Slams Internet Content Filters
  2. Groups Establish Internet Free Expression Alliance
  3. New Censorship Bill Introduced in Congress
  4. Court Rules AOL Not Liable for Posted Material
  5. Justice Department Funding
  6. Treasury Department Funding
  7. Congressional Action and New Bills
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 4.17 (December 22, 1997)

  1. Global Coalition Urges Rejection of PICS
  2. Survey Shows Internet Users Want Privacy Laws
  3. EPIC/ACLU File Comments on CALEA Implementation
  4. FTC on Kids Privacy
  5. FTC Punts on Lookup Services
  6. Champion of Open Government Dies
  7. Last Minute Holiday Gifts at the EPIC Bookstore
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events