EPIC Alert – Volume 5 (1998)

EPIC Alert – Volume 5 (1998)

EPIC Alert 5.01 (January 26, 1998)

  1. Court Blocks Discharge in Navy/AOL Privacy Case
  2. Excerpts From Court Decision in Navy/AOL Privacy Case
  3. EPIC Obtains U.S. Crypto Czar’s Travel Records
  4. McCain Announces New Net Censorship Plan
  5. Gore Calls for Genetic Discrimination Ban
  6. Encryption Policy Update
  7. EPIC Bookstore
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.02 (February 10, 1998)

  1. New World Survey Finds Few Crypto Controls
  2. McCain Introduces Internet School Filtering Act
  3. U.S. Appeals Court Rules Secret Genetic Tests Violate Privacy
  4. State Department Releases World Human Rights Report
  5. Canada Proposes Comprehensive Privacy Law
  6. Fingerprinting is on the Rise
  7. New Congressional Bills and Upcoming Hearings
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.03 (March 9, 1998)

  1. FBI and Telephone Industry Working Toward Wiretap Agreement
  2. Advocates, Academics, Experts Send Letter on Privacy Conference
  3. New BW/Harris Poll Shows Support for Privacy Legislation
  4. Encryption Debate Resumes — ACLU/EFF/EPIC Issue Statement
  5. FCC Requires Privacy Protections for Phone Records
  6. Virginia Internet Censorship Law Struck Down
  7. Congressional Actions, New Bills and Upcoming Hearings
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.04 (March 30, 1998)

  1. Congress Holds Internet Privacy Hearing
  2. U.S. Official Concedes Flaws in Key Recovery Crypto
  3. Wiretapping Law Hits Impasse, FBI Calls for New Powers
  4. Senate Committee Approves Net Censorship Bills
  5. Starr’s Bookstore Subpoena Incites Controversy
  6. New Report Finds Credit Errors Common
  7. Congressional Actions, New Bills and Upcoming Hearings
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.05 (April 23, 1998)

  1. Daley Criticizes Crypto Policy, Doubts Self-Regulation
  2. Court Finds AOL Immune From Libel Suit
  3. Library Internet Filters Held to High Free Speech Test
  4. New Report Finds E-FOIA Efforts Lacking
  5. Court Rules Infrared Scanner Violates Fourth Amendment
  6. IRS Audit Finds Lax Privacy Protections
  7. New Congressional Bills and Upcoming Hearings
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.06 (May 12, 1998)

  1. New Senate Crypto Bill: A Mixed Bag
  2. Senate May Soon Consider Internet Filtering Bill
  3. Wiretaps Increase in 1997; Only Two Computer Taps
  4. EPIC Testifies on International Privacy
  5. Industry, Public Interest Groups Ask FCC to Delay Wiretap Law
  6. Last Week for Early Registration for EPIC Crypto Conference
  7. New Congressional Bills and Upcoming Hearings
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.07 (May 27, 1998)

  1. White House Announces Privacy Initiative
  2. Privacy Self-Regulation Not Making the Grade
  3. EPIC Urges Rejection of FBI Wiretap Initiative
  4. Clinton Issues “Cyber Threat” Directive
  5. New Report Finds Identity Theft Increasing
  6. Senate Approves Anti-Spam Bill
  7. New Congressional Bills and Upcoming Hearings
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.08 (June 17, 1998)

  1. Subcommittee to Vote on Copyright Bill
  2. Senate May Soon Consider Internet Censorship Bills
  3. Commerce Department Announces Net Privacy Summit
  4. FTC Releases Report on Online Privacy
  5. House Approves Child Protection Bill
  6. EPIC Testifies on Copyright and Privacy
  7. New Congressional Bills and Upcoming Hearings
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.09 (June 25, 1998)

  1. EPIC Releases New Report on Online Privacy
  2. House Subcommittee Approves Mandatory Filtering Bill
  3. Copyright Legislation Vote Delayed
  4. House Approves Delay for Digital Wiretap Law
  5. Self-Regulation Gets Low Marks at Privacy Summit
  6. EPIC/PI Launch New Privacy Page
  7. Encryption Update
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.10 (July 20, 1998)

  1. Groups Write Senate on Pending Net Censorship Bills
  2. FBI Asks Congress to Enhance Wiretap Powers
  3. Proposed Rules Issued for National Identity Card
  4. HHS Proposes New Health Care Identifier
  5. House Committee Approves Copyright Bill
  6. Encryption Policy Update
  7. New Bills and Action in Congress
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.11 (July 29, 1998)

  1. Senate Makes Stealth Assault on Internet Free Speech
  2. House Approves “Patients Rights Act,” Undermines Privacy
  3. New Report on Congress, Money and Privacy
  4. FTC Proposes Privacy Legislation
  5. Wiretap and Surveillance Update
  6. Encryption Policy Update
  7. New Bills and Action in Congress
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.12 (September 16, 1998)

  1. House Committee Holds Ironic Censorship Hearing
  2. Global Groups Urge Removal of Crypto Controls;
    More Minor Changes in U.S. Policy Announced
  3. FCC Extends Deadline for Wiretap Law Compliance
  4. Federal Trade Commission Acts on Privacy
  5. Global Conference on Internet Policy – Ottawa, October 7
  6. EPIC Publishes Privacy Law Sourcebook
  7. New Bills and Action in Congress
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.13 (October 5, 1998)

  1. GILC Publishes Global Survey of Privacy and Human Rights
  2. Global Internet Policy Conference Set to Begin in Ottawa
  3. Senate May Soon Consider “CDA2” Censorship Bill
  4. Canada Introduces Privacy Bill and New Crypto Policy
  5. UNESCO Congress Explores Cyberspace
  6. Senate Committee Approves Kids’ Privacy Bill
  7. New Bills in Congress
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.14 (October 13, 1998)

  1. Congress Expands Surveillance Authority
  2. Child Protection Bill Includes Privacy Loophole
  3. Digital Millennium Copyright Act Sent to President
  4. GILC Convenes Policy Conference in Ottawa
  5. NGOs Issue Declaration at OECD Conference
  6. National DNA Database Goes Online
  7. New Bills and Actions in Congress
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.15 (October 28, 1998)

  1. Lawsuit Filed Against New Censorship Law
  2. European Privacy Law Goes Forward
  3. FCC Gives Tentative Approval to FBI Wiretap Standards
  4. EPIC Releases New Report on Endangered Civil Liberties
  5. 10th GVU WWW Survey Underway
  6. Report on NSA’s Echelon Network Goes to Congress
  7. New at the EPIC Bookstore
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.16 (November 10, 1998)

  1. ACTION: Comment on U.S. Privacy Policy
  2. Congress Approves Identity Theft Legislation
  3. Appeals Court Limits Copyright of Legal Documents
  4. Encryption Policy Update
  5. Final Actions in 105th Congress
  6. Nominations Sought for PEN First Amendment Award
  7. Updated and Expanded EPIC Bookstore
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.17 (Special Issue on ACLU v. Reno II) (November 19, 1998)

  1. Federal Court Blocks Enforcement of Net Censorship Law
  2. Plaintiffs’ Preliminary Statement
  3. Inability of Speakers to Prevent Speech from Reaching Minors
  4. The Impact of COPA on Internet Users
  5. COPA’s Defects Are Identical to those of the CDA
  6. COPA Won’t Advance the Government’s Stated Interest
  7. Plaintiffs in ACLU v. Reno II
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.18 (December 3, 1998)

  1. ACTION: Oppose FBI Assault on Communications Privacy
  2. International Crypto Agreement Modified
  3. Library Internet Filters Held Unconstitutional
  4. Order Blocking Enforcement of Net Censorship Law Extended
  5. EU Finds Commerce Department Privacy Proposal Flawed
  6. New Privacy Survey Finds High Level of Concern for Privacy
  7. EPIC Bookstore Now Also Features Films
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.19 (50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) (December 10, 1998)

  1. UDHR Celebrates 50th Anniversary
  2. ACTION I: Help Free Two Jailed Chinese Scientists
  3. GILC Statement on UDHR 50th Anniversary
  4. GILC Online Resources
  5. HRW on Freedom of Expression on the Internet
  6. ACTION II: Support Free Crypto
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Focus on Human Rights
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 5.20 (December 17, 1998)

  1. EPIC Urges FCC to Reject FBI Surveillance Proposal
  2. Free Speech Groups Say “No” to Library Filters
  3. Appeals Court Upholds Drivers Privacy Protection Act
  4. FDIC Proposes New “Spy on Your Customer” Regulations
  5. CDC Issues Guidelines on HIV Tracking
  6. Australia Announces Privacy Law for Businesses
  7. EPIC Bookstore
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events