EPIC Alert – Volume 9 (2002)

EPIC Alert – Volume 9 (2002)

EPIC Alert 9.01 (January 14, 2002)

  1. State DMVs Developing National ID System
  2. EPIC Urges Qwest to Drop Marketing Plan
  3. Court Upholds FBI Use of Secret “Key Logger” Technology
  4. Companies Stop Privacy-Invasive Practices
  5. Student Privacy Protections Enacted
  6. Digital Rights Management Discussed at Future of Music Conference
  7. EPIC Bookstore – A National ID Card: A License to Live
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.02 (January 29, 2002)

  1. Qwest Backs Down from Opt-Out Marketing Plan
  2. State AGs Urged to Protect Consumers from Microsoft Passport
  3. EPIC Files FOIA Suit for Profiling Records
  4. FTC Proposes Telemarketing Do-Not-Call List
  5. Policy Forum Debates Face Recognition Technology
  6. Eli Lilly Settles with FTC over Privacy Violation
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Privacy and the Information Age
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.03 (February 13, 2002)

  1. Opposition to National ID System Grows
  2. Comcast Backs Down from Tracking Web Users
  3. EPIC Urges Verizon, Ameritech to Drop Marketing Plans
  4. Individuals Encouraged to Comment on Telemarketing Sales Rule
  5. CPSR Announces New “Privaterra” Coalition
  6. EPIC Bill-Track: New Bills in Congress
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Web Security, Privacy & Commerce
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.04 (February 27, 2002)

  1. Paying for Big Brother: Surveillance Funding in DOJ Budget
  2. Supreme Court Hears Anonymity Case; Rejects “Peer Grading” Privacy
  3. EPIC Seeks DC Surveillance Camera Records
  4. ICANN Reconsiders At-Large Participation
  5. Law Schools and EFF Form “Chilling Effects Clearinghouse”
  6. EPIC Bill-Track: New Bills in Congress
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Terrorism & the Constitution
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.05 (March 15, 2002)

  1. National Freedom of Information Day — March 16, 2002
  2. EPIC Files FOIA Lawsuit for Air Travel Security Documents
  3. Council of Europe Considers Cybercrime Protocols
  4. UK Holds Big Brother Awards
  5. Scarfo “Key Logger” Case Ends in Plea Bargain
  6. EPIC Bill-Track: New Bills in Congress
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Privacy Defended: Protecting Yourself Online
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.06 (March 28, 2002)

  1. FBI Ordered to Locate Carnivore Documents in EPIC FOIA Case
  2. ACLU, EPIC, Library Groups Challenge Internet Filtering Law
  3. Congress Holds Hearing on Surveillance Cameras in Washington, DC
  4. Bush Administration Reneges On Medical Privacy Guarantees
  5. EPIC FOIA Request Seeks Homeland Security Documents
  6. Updated EPIC Public Opinion Page; Industry Privacy Reports Biased
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Free as in Freedom
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.07 (April 11, 2002)

  1. Microsoft Backs Down, Privacy & Security Risks Bury Hailstorm
  2. Colorado Upholds Rights of Anonymity, Privacy in Bookseller Records
  3. EPIC Files Suit Against Office of Homeland Security
  4. EPIC Files Comments on the Telemarketing Sales Rule
  5. Anti-Consumer DoubleClick Settlement Proposed
  6. EPIC Advocates Anonymity in Internet Broadcast Listening
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Fahrenheit 451
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.08 (April 25, 2002)

  1. Senate Considers Internet Privacy Legislation
  2. Observing Surveillance: Public Protests, April 2002
  3. Groups Oppose National ID Standards, Medical Privacy Rule Changes
  4. EPIC and Other Free Speech Groups Cite Post-9/11 Info Restrictions
  5. Privacy International Announces U.S. Big Brother Awards
  6. EPIC Bill-Track: New Bills in Congress
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Body of Secrets
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.09 (May 10, 2002)

  1. DOJ Says Office of Homeland Security Not Subject to FOIA
  2. EPIC Files Objections to DoubleClick Class Action Settlement
  3. EPIC Urges Openness, Accountability for Infrastructure Protection
  4. Consumer Groups and State AGs Argue for Financial Privacy
  5. Coalition Proposes Alternatives to Weak Privacy Bill
  6. EPIC Bill-Track: New Bills in Congress
  7. EPIC Bookstore – The First Amendment and Civil Liability
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.10 (May 23, 2002)

  1. Coalition Urges European Parliament to Vote Against Data Retention
  2. Legislation Moves on Privacy, Spam, Identity Theft, and SSNs
  3. Minnesota Passes ISP Privacy Law
  4. EPIC Files Amicus Brief Contesting Surveillance of TV Use
  5. Supreme Court Retains Ban on COPA Enforcement
  6. Microsoft “Dream” Includes A Passport For Every Person
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Youth, Pornography, and the Internet
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.11 (June 5, 2002)

  1. FBI Docs Obtained by EPIC: Carnivore Hampered Terror Probe
  2. EPIC, ACLU Prevail – Library Filtering Law Unconstitutional
  3. Coalition Questions New Investigative Guidelines
  4. EU Officials Launch Investigation of Microsoft Passport
  5. Data Retention: EU Vote and ReplayTV Decision
  6. “Observing Surveillance” in Washington, DC
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Overseers of the Poor
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.12 (June 20, 2002)

  1. Watchtower Bible: Supreme Court Upholds Anonymity, Free Speech
  2. ACTION: DC Council Considers Cameras – Your Views Needed
  3. EPIC, EFF Urge House To Consider Risks of DRM
  4. Certiorari Denied in TU v. FTC; Bus Searches Deemed Constitutional
  5. EPIC Participates in FTC Do-Not-Call Telemarketing Workshop
  6. North Dakota Votes 72 Percent in Favor of Opt-In
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Fast Forward
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.13 (July 11, 2002)

  1. EPIC Urges Accountability for Homeland Security Department
  2. Supreme Court Limits FERPA, Expands Student Drug Testing
  3. EU Confirms Probe of Microsoft Passport
  4. Privacy Groups Demand Protection of Users’ Anonymity Online
  5. DC Police Use Surveillance Cameras on the Fourth of July
  6. EPIC Bill-Track: New Bills in Congress
  7. EPIC Bookstore – The Organization Man
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.14 (July 25, 2002)

  1. FCC Declines to Address Location Privacy
  2. White House Unveils Homeland Security Strategy
  3. EPIC Files Brief in Wrongful Invasion of Privacy Suit
  4. Federal Appeals Court Affirms FTC Privacy Order
  5. FCC Adopts Modified Opt-In Plan for Customer Information
  6. EPIC Critiques Digital Rights Management Systems
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Ruling the Root
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.15 (August 9, 2002)

  1. FTC Announces Action Against Microsoft Passport
  2. Court Orders DOJ to Disclose Names of 9/11 Detainees
  3. OECD Announces Computer Security Guidelines
  4. EPIC Files Brief in Online Offender Registry Case
  5. EPIC Argues Police Must Be Present for Online Search
  6. Eli Lilly Settles With States; NTIA to Hold ENUM Forum
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Trust Us, We’re Experts
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.16 (September 4, 2002)

  1. EPIC and Privacy International Release Annual Privacy Survey
  2. Secret Court Chastises DOJ & FBI on Surveillance Requests
  3. EU Council Draft Proposal Could Require Harmonized Data Retention
  4. State AGs Settle with DoubleClick, Ziff-Davis; Pursue Profiler
  5. NASA: No “Mind-Reading” Technology Without Independent Review
  6. EPIC Bill-Track: New Bills in Congress
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Privacy & Human Rights 2002
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.17 (September 20, 2002)

  1. Groups Urge Secret Appeals Court to Reject Expanded Spying Powers
  2. Bush Administration Releases Cyber Security Plan
  3. EPIC Testifies Before Congress on Preventing SSN Misuse
  4. FCC Approves Rulemaking on Telephone Consumer Protection Act
  5. Coalition Urges FTC to Adopt Effective Strategy for Passport
  6. Groups File Brief Opposing Identification of ISP Subscriber
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Litigation Under the Federal Open Government Laws
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.18 (October 7, 2002)

  1. EPIC Testifies Before Congress on Anti-Privacy Bill
  2. European Conference Reaffirms Support for Data Directive
  3. Landmark Public Domain Case To Be Argued Before Supreme Court
  4. Student Profilers Settle Privacy Cases with FTC
  5. Intellectual Property, Digital Rights Management, Online Privacy
  6. First Monday 2002: Civil Liberties In A New America
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Books by Christine L. Borgman and Bruce Schneier
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.19 (October 17, 2002)

  1. Memo Reveals FBI National Security Wiretap Violations
  2. Court Hears Argument in Warrant Service Procedure Case
  3. Public Interest Registry (PIR) To Operate .ORG
  4. EPIC, Junkbusters Urge AGs to Protect Privacy of Amazon Booklists
  5. National Research Council Report Finds Polygraph Testing Flawed
  6. House Passes Measure Requiring Agencies to Report Privacy Risks
  7. EPIC Bookstore – First Anniversary of the USA PATRIOT Act
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.20 (October 24, 2002)

  1. EPIC FOIA Lawsuit Seeks USA PATRIOT Act Information
  2. EPIC Files Comments at FCC to Protect Telephone Privacy
  3. Public Protest Over Data Retention Increases in Europe
  4. DC City Council Discusses Regulation of Surveillance Cameras
  5. National Academies Report on “Sensitive but Unclassified”
  6. California Leads States in Privacy Protection
  7. EPIC Bookstore – CTRL [SPACE]
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.21 (October 31, 2002)

Special EPIC Alert: Support EPIC – Buy a book! (or 3)

  1. Privacy Law Sourcebook 2002
  2. Privacy & Human Rights 2002
  3. Litigation Under the Federal Open Government Laws (FOIA) 2002
  4. Package Deal: All 3 books for $100, including shipping!
  5. EPIC Bookstore

EPIC Alert 9.22 (November 6, 2002)

  1. EPIC Advises Against P2P Monitoring in Colleges and Universities
  2. AOL Wants to Help Companies Conduct Workplace Surveillance
  3. Food and Drug Administration OKs Implantable ID Chips
  4. GAO Releases Report on Government Use of Personal Information
  5. CFP2003: Call for Proposals – November 15, 2002
  6. EPIC Bill-Track: New Bills in Congress
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Privacy Law Sourcebook 2002
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.23 (November 19, 2002)

  1. Public Protest Over Pentagon Surveillance System Mounts
  2. Appeals Court Permits Broader Electronic Surveillance
  3. Homeland Security Bill Limits Open Government
  4. Circuit Court Approves Faxed Warrants
  5. DC City Council Attacks Camera System, Adopts Regulations
  6. California Passes Database Privacy Legislation
  7. EPIC Bookstore – Data Protection Law
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.24 (December 12, 2002)

  1. EPIC Files Suit for “No-Fly List” Information
  2. EPIC Submits Comments on TCPA, ENUM, FCC Broadcast Flag Mandate
  3. DC Council Hearing on Camera Regs; 12/24 is World Sousveillance Day
  4. ICANN Task Force Issues New Policy Report on WHOIS Data
  5. CA Senators Introduce Financial Privacy Legislation
  6. Nominations Sought for 2003 PEN/Newman’s Own First Amendment Award
  7. Subscribe – Access Reports
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events

EPIC Alert 9.25 (December 19, 2002)

  1. FTC Announces National Do-Not-Call List for Telemarketing
  2. EPIC Files Suit on “Total Information Awareness” Documents
  3. Court Asked to Reconsider Faxed Warrant Decision
  4. ICANN Meets in Amsterdam, Adopts By-Law Changes
  5. EPIC Files Comments on Canadian Surveillance Proposal
  6. New Report Finds Errors, Inconsistency in Credit Scores
  7. EPIC Publications
  8. Upcoming Conferences and Events