EPIC, Coalition Urge Congress Restore Privacy Oversight Board’s Independence from White House
February 3, 2025
On February 3, EPIC joined over 26 civil society organizations in demanding that Congress re-double its oversight activities to ensure that the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) retains its independence and continues its work free from White House interference.
Government Databases
Intelligence Surveillance
Surveillance Oversight
PRESS RELEASE: EPIC Calls on Congress to Hold On Confirmations Pending White House Nominations to Fill Privacy Oversight Board
January 30, 2025
EPIC calls on the White House to immediately nominate a Chair and full bipartisan slate of Board Members, subject to the advice and consent of the Senate and consultation with Congressional leadership as required by the law. EPIC also calls on members of the Senate Judiciary and Intelligence Committees to hold consideration of other Intelligence Community nominations until the PCLOB Member nominations have been submitted.
Data Protection
Intelligence Surveillance
International Privacy
Surveillance Oversight
EPIC Urges PCLOB to Investigate the Use of Section 702 in Cybersecurity Investigations
January 12, 2023
Fourth Amendment
Intelligence Surveillance
Privacy Laws
Surveillance Oversight
EPIC Urges PCLOB to Push for Meaningful Reform of Section 702 Surveillance
November 7, 2022
Fourth Amendment
Intelligence Surveillance
Privacy Laws
Surveillance Oversight