Tag: Platform Liability
EPIC Submits Amicus Brief Urging Ninth Circuit to Permit Product Liability Claims Against Amazon in Case About the Sale of Suicide Chemicals to Minors
December 12, 2023
Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights
Commercial AI Use
Consumer Privacy
Web Scraping
EPIC Urges Ninth Circuit to Reinforce Previously Established Limits on Section 230
August 21, 2023
In an amicus brief submitted last Friday, EPIC and children's rights organization Fairplay submitted an amicus brief urging the Ninth Circuit to recognize its own limiting principles on the scope of Section 230 and to allow a lawsuit against anonymous messaging company to be decided on its merits
Consumer Privacy
Data Protection
Platform Accountability & Governance
Privacy Laws
In Gonzalez v. Google, the Supreme Court Should Recognize That a Narrow Reading of Section 230 Will Help Achieve a Better Internet
February 17, 2023
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act was meant to encourage tech companies to monitor their services for harmful user content, but it has largely done the opposite. In Gonzalez v. Google, the Supreme Court should recognize that a narrower reading of Section 230 can help achieve a better, safer internet.
Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights
Commercial AI Use
Platform Accountability & Governance