Capitol Forum: Antitrust Tech Tuesday – California Privacy Privacy Protection Agency Proposes New Privacy Regulations
November 28, 2023
John Davisson, the director of litigation and senior counsel at the Electronic Privacy Information Center, told The Capitol Forum that this draft regulation is a “significant potential step” for privacy law.
“The board appears to be trying to make the most of what the California Consumer Privacy Act authorizes them to do, and to really put teeth into the automated decision-making pieces of this,” Davisson said.
Davisson told The Capitol Forum that he hopes the CPPA will consider including a universal opt-out option for consumers, like they have done in the past, so that consumers do not have to continually opt-out for every company they interact with.
“If you are constantly being barraged with requests to manage your privacy settings at a granular level, it very quickly becomes exhausting and exasperating,” Davisson said. “And people will just click through and consent to everything. It’s important for these obligations to lie with the companies rather than with individuals or having to manage everything at a granular level.”
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