Featured Analysis
The State Data Privacy Act: A Proposed Model State Privacy Bill
In our State Data Privacy Act, we set forth a compromise bill built on existing state laws that meaningfully protects privacy while encouraging innovation.
The latest insights from EPIC staff on pressing privacy, civil liberties, and tech issues.
Featured Analysis
In our State Data Privacy Act, we set forth a compromise bill built on existing state laws that meaningfully protects privacy while encouraging innovation.
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As 23andMe likely heads towards bankruptcy or sale, many consumers are understandably concerned: what will happen to their genetic data?
Generative AI is frequently used to obscure, mischaracterize, and fabricate information online.
On September 23, 2024, only about half of the U.S. federal agencies complied with the March 2024 OMB Memo (“M-24-10”)'s requirement for agencies to publish compliance plans consistent with the memo, which implements requirements under the 2023 E…
CBP’s PIA on CTD is extremely vague, years too late, and is a complete failure to comply with federal privacy regulations.
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed many privacy and AI bills into law, but he also vetoed three major tech bills.
The opinion correctly held that Section 230 did not bar the claims to the extent that they alleged TikTok’s own algorithmic design caused the tragic circumstances, but it arrived at its decision through a questionable First Amendment analysis inste…
In our State Data Privacy Act, we set forth a compromise bill built on existing state laws that meaningfully protects privacy while encouraging innovation.
Due to the rise of invasive airline data practices and facial recognition technology at airport gates, EPIC strongly encourages the DOT to use its unfair and deceptive enforcement authority to address harmful privacy practices.