Our Work

EPIC works at the intersection of policy, advocacy, and litigation. EPIC pursues a wide range of program activities including policy research, public education, conferences, litigation, publications, and advocacy. EPIC routinely files amicus briefs in federal and state courts, pursues open government cases, defends consumer privacy, advocates for stronger data protection measures, organizes conferences for NGOs, and speaks before Congress, state legislatures, and judicial organizations about emerging privacy and civil liberties issues. EPIC works closely with a distinguished advisory board with expertise in law, technology, and public policy.

EPIC’s Advocacy Tools

Amicus Curiae briefs

EPIC frequently files amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) briefs in federal and state appellate cases concerning emerging privacy and civil liberties issues.

We work closely with technical experts and legal scholars from the EPIC Advisory Board on these briefs. EPIC’s amicus briefs assist judges in their analyses of novel privacy issues, often involving new technology. Many of these cases are complex and technical. Judges often acknowledge EPIC’s briefs in their opinions, and have expressed gratitude for EPIC’s participation in important cases. EPIC’s decision to participate as amicus in a particular case typically follows an extensive review of matters pending before federal and state courts.

View EPIC’s amicus briefs in the Digital Library

EPIC’s Open Government Litigation

EPIC makes frequent use of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain information from the government about surveillance and privacy policy. Public disclosure of this information improves government oversight and accountability and helps ensure that the public is fully informed about the activities of government. EPIC also makes use of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) and the E-Government Act to advance government transparency.

View EPIC’s recent FOIA cases in the Digital Library

Agency Comments

The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) governs internal procedures of administrative agencies, including how they interact with the public. Since 1997, EPIC has submitted extensive public comments to federal agencies pursuant to the APA. EPIC has also provided administrative comments to state and international administrative agencies. Through these comments, EPIC makes detailed recommendations, grounded in both policy and law, for stronger privacy protection.

View EPIC’s recent APA Comments in the Digital Library

Consumer Privacy Complaints

EPIC has a particular interest in protecting consumer privacy and has played a leading role in developing the authority of the Federal Trade Commission to address emerging privacy issues and to safeguard the privacy rights of consumers. From its earliest days, EPIC has worked to ensure that the FTC, the Federal Communications Commission, and other federal and state agencies protect privacy and personal data.

View EPIC’s recent Consumer Privacy Complaints in the Digital Library

Policy Advocacy

EPIC provides expertise to shape strong privacy and open government laws at both the state and federal level. EPIC has testified in Congress, submitted statements to Congressional committees, and participated in hearings before the state legislatures on topics ranging from student privacy to drone surveillance.

View EPIC’s recent testimony in the Digital Library

EPIC Privacy Cases

EPIC also brings other cases to promote individual privacy rights. Recent privacy cases include EPIC v. U.S. Postal Service, seeking to stop the U.S. Postal Service’s law enforcement arm from using facial recognition and social media monitoring tools, and EPIC v. Presidential Election Commission, a lawsuit to block the (now defunct) Presidential Election Commission and associated federal agencies from unlawfully collecting and retaining millions of state voter records. 

View EPIC’s recent privacy cases in the Digital Library

Public Education

Public education on privacy and civil liberties issues is central to EPIC’s mission. EPIC’s website is one of the most popular privacy websites in the world. EPIC seeks to engage the public and policymakers to achieve meaningful results that benefit the public. EPIC works with wonderful allies and colleagues around the world, small NGOs, established leaders, and subject matter experts who give their time and energy to help support the work of EPIC.

Support Our Work

EPIC’s work is funded by the support of individuals like you, who help us to continue to protect privacy, open government, and democratic values in the information age.
