EPIC, Coalition Urge for Congressional Briefings on Election Security to Continue
September 11, 2020
In a letter to the Direction of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, EPIC joined a coalition of other groups calling for the continuation of in-person briefings to Congress on election security. The letter states, "[e]fforts to interfere with American elections are a serious threat to our democratic process and undermine public confidence in our institutions." The group emphasized that "it is critical that [ODNI] continue responding to all congressional oversight inquiries and continue to appear in-person to answer questions." EPIC is currently suing the Department of Homeland Security for records about the agency's assessment of election vulnerabilities following the 2016 presidential election and its ongoing role in protecting election systems as critical infrastructure. The agency has released hundreds of pages of records to EPIC about its role in election cybersecurity, including: DHS's contacts with election officials, state reports of election security incidents going back to 2016, meeting minutes from the DHS Election Task Force in 2017, and a September 2016 Election Infrastructure Cyber Risk Characterization Report.

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