EPIC Releases Updated Report on Privacy Bills in Congress
April 1, 2020
EPIC has released an updated report on the privacy bills in Congress. EPIC's report – Grading on a Curve: Privacy Legislation in the 116th Congress – reviews recent developments, sets out a model bill, and assesses pending legislation. According to EPIC, Representative Eshoo and Lofgren's Online Privacy Act ranks #1. The bill would establish a data protection agency, create meaningful privacy safeguards, and hold companies accountable for the collection and use of personal data. Senator Gillibrand's Data Protection Act, S. 3300, solves one critical privacy problem very well by creating an independent Data Protection Agency in the United States. The US is one of the few democratic countries in the world without a federal data protection agency. The updated EPIC report also scores Senator Moran and Senator Wicker's privacy proposals.
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