EPIC Urges EU to Enact Comprehensive AI Legislation
September 14, 2020
In comments to the European Commission, EPIC urged the EU to enact robust legislation covering all uses of AI in order to protect fundamental rights. The comments came in response to the Commission's Inception Impact Statement, which presented legislative options ranging from non-regulation of AI to regulating only "high-risk" AI to regulating all forms of AI. "Oversight of both public and private uses of AI will help avoid inappropriate applications of the technology, minimize the opacity of AI decision-making, and avoid arbitrary actions and determinations," EPIC wrote. EPIC explained that is essential to regulate all forms of AI—rather than just "high risk" applications—because "[i]nformation collected under one purpose not previously determined as 'high-risk' can easily be used in a 'high-risk' purpose" later. EPIC recommends that governments rely on the Universal Guidelines for AI and the OECD AI Principles as a baseline for AI policy.
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