Facebook Loses Appeal to Halt European High Court Review of EU-U.S. Data Transfer
May 31, 2019
The Irish Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal by Facebook to stop the highest court in Europe from reviewing the transfers of personal data from the EU to the US. Facebook appealed a referral to the Court of Justice for the European Union on whether the transfer of data to the U.S. with standard contract clauses violates fundamental rights. EPIC is participating in that case now before the Court of Justice, DPC v. Facebook, expected to be argued July 9th. Ruling against Facebook, the Irish Supreme Court said the decision to refer a case cannot be appealed and must be decided by the referring court and the Court of Justice. "It is for the referring court, and that court alone, whether to make a reference and, indeed, whether to withdraw or amend the same," the Court concluded. EPIC also recently filed a third-party intervention with the European Court of Human Rights in Big Brother Watch v. UK, arguing that the Court should carefully review UK-U.S. intelligence transfers in the case assessing UK bulk surveillance.

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