Ninth Circuit Revives Case Against Cruise Company that Used Lead Generator to Make Millions of Illegal Robocalls
April 5, 2022

The Ninth Circuit has revived a class action lawsuit against a cruise company accused of using a lead generator to robocall millions of people without consent. EPIC and the National Consumer Law Center filed an amicus brief in the case describing the unscrupulous practices of the lead generation industry. The trial court threw out the case against Royal Seas Cruises because the court found the company was not liable for the actions of the third-party company it hired to collect and robocall leads. The Ninth Circuit disagreed, finding that Royal Seas knew of facts that should have led it to investigate whether the calls made on their behalf violated the federal anti-robocall law. The case will go back to the trial court for a final determination. EPIC is a leading advocate for strong consumer robocall protections and routinely files amicus briefs in Telephone Consumer Protection Act cases.

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