
Privacy Commissioners Adopt Resolutions, Plan Future Direction

October 24, 2019

Meeting in Tirana, Albania, the 41st International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners adopted resolutions on privacy as a fundamental right, human error in data breaches, and social media and violent extremist content online. The Commissioners also adopted resolutions on strategic direction, cross-border enforcement, and regulatory cooperation between data protection agencies and consumer protection and competition authorities. Civil society has urged the data protection commissioners to support a moratorium on facial recognition technology. A petition organized by the Public Voice received support from more than 80 organizations and 500 individuals (including leading experts) in more than 40 countries. Privacy International and the Open Markets Institute were among the civil society speakers at the conference. The 2020 conference will be held in Mexico City. The ICDPPC will also be renamed the "Global Privacy Assembly."

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