Representative Lieu Introduces Bill to Limit Law Enforcement Face Surveillance

September 29, 2022

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA), along with Rep. Yvette Clark (D-NY) today introduced legislation to limit law enforcement use of face recognition tools. The Facial Recognition Act would require law enforcement agencies to obtain a warrant before conducting face recognition searches. Further, it would narrow the circumstances in which law enforcement may use face recognition technology, including by prohibiting any such use in enforcement of immigration laws, on police body cameras, during protests, and on live video feeds. The Facial Recognition Act would also create transparency and reliability requirements, including through public audits and annual accuracy and bias reviews through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

EPIC has been a leading advocate for a ban on face surveillance and previously supported legislation to stop government use of facial recognition and other biometric surveillance tools that “enable mass surveillance and discriminatory targeted surveillance.” EPIC also regularly files amicus briefs advocating that authorities roll back the use of facial recognition systems and supporting efforts to increase transparency and accountability surrounding these technologies.

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