About the 2024 EPIC Champions of Freedom Awards

The 2024 EPIC Champions of Freedom Awards ceremony and dinner will be held on Wednesday, September 25, from 7 PM – 10 PM at District Winery in Washington, D.C. 

EPIC established the Champions of Freedom Awards to recognize individuals who have helped safeguard the right to privacy, open government, and democratic values with courage and integrity. 

The theme of this year’s event is “EPIC 30/50: Looking Back and Looking Forward.” EPIC has championed privacy, opposed mass surveillance, and fought to protect democratic values for decades. As we reflect on 30 years of EPIC’s work, and the 50th Anniversary of the Privacy Act of 1974, we want to both consider what brought us all to this current moment and to chart the course for the decades ahead.

EPIC will be celebrating public officials and leading experts who have led the charge against surveillance capitalism and data abuses. We are thrilled to announce that this year we are honoring three Champions of Freedom, one Privacy Champion, and one Lifetime Achievement Awardee (in memoriam):  

Senator Sara Love of Maryland, Representative Maggie O’Neil of Maine, and Representative Monique Priestley of Vermont

Damon Hewitt, President and Executive Director, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

Ross Anderson

We will take this opportunity to reflect on the successful campaigns we have led and the challenges we have faced in our fight against surveillance by governments and big tech platforms alike. We will consider the challenges ahead as we work towards a surveillance free future and an information ecosystem focused on human rights.

Dinner and refreshments will be served. Dress is business/cocktail attire. 

This event is designed as a widely attended event under Congressional ethics rules. Expected attendance is approximately 200-225 people, including from advocates, government officials, Hill and agency staff, and academics. The fair market value of each ticket is $150. 

If you have any questions about the event, please reach out to [email protected].

Register for the 2024 EPIC Champions of Freedom Awards