EPIC Urges VT Governor to Sign Vermont Data Privacy Act  

May 24, 2024

EPIC signed a coalition letter calling on Vermont Gov. Phil Scott to sign the Vermont Data Privacy Act. Nine other organizations, 16 Vermont legislators, and 41 individuals also signed the letter.  

“Signing the Vermont Data Privacy Act would extend to Vermont consumers critical new privacy protections, including default limits on businesses’ collection of information through a data minimization standard, a ban on the sale of sensitive data, strong civil rights protections, and the right for individuals to seek redress in courts when large businesses violate the law,” the signatories wrote in the letter.  

EPIC testified in support of this bill, which is a significant step forward in states’ privacy laws.  

The bill has faced opposition from industry lobbyists throughout the legislative process, and the Vermont House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development heard testimony last month from other state legislators from across the country who faced similar lobbying when they championed strong privacy bills.  

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