TACD Public Forum: For better or worse? The EU-US cooperation & its impact on consumers
27 Jun. 9:30 AM EDT
EPIC Global Privacy Counsel Calli Schroeder will speak on a panel on “New frontiers of digital regulation” at the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue’s (TACD) annual meeting on June 27, 2023.
Government policies and regulatory measures have been playing catch-up with race-track digital technologies advancements – some good, and in many domains, for helping people, but others simply aiding the pockets of corporations to the detriment of human and consumer rights, causing harm even. Consequently, laws have been developed to deal with the detrimental side, but that need to be enforced before discussing emerging challenges. This session will focus on issues central to the current EU and U.S. dialogues, including AI, manipulative design online (dark patterns), privacy and data protection. The discussion will pinpoint the areas of detriment where existing laws apply, and address outstanding issues, where such laws are insufficient, and we need new policies or regulations.
- Christian D’Cunha, Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission |@BeterOpDeFiets
- Claire Fernandez, EDRi, Europe | @CFerKic
- Calli Schroeder, EPIC, U.S. | @Iwillleavenow
- Prof. Olivier Sylvain, Federal Trade Commission, U.S. | @oliviersylvainModerator: Finn Myrstad, Norwegian Consumer Council, Norway | @finnmyrstad