
Massachusetts Legislators Introduce Strong Comprehensive Privacy Bills

January 17, 2025

Numerous Massachsuetts legislators introduced strong comprehensive privacy bills this week.

Representative Tricia Farley-Bouvier introduced HD2135, the Massachusetts Consumer Data Privacy Act. The legislation is based on EPIC and Consumer Reports’ model state privacy bill. It builds on existing state laws and includes data minimization provisions that meaningfully limit the collection and use of personal data. The legislation also bans the sale of sensitive data such as precise geolocation data, data about minors, and health data. The bill also includes strong enforcement mechanisms, including a private right of action, allowing consumers to hold companies accountable for violations of the law and encouraging compliance.

Rep. Farley-Bouvier most recently served as the House Chair of the Joint Committee on Advanced Information Technology, the Internet, and Cybersecurity. Committee Chair assignments for this session have not yet been announced.

Senator Michael Moore, who was the Senate Chair of the Committee last session, and Senator Cynthia Creem re-introduced the Massachusetts Data Privacy Act (SD267), which was favorably reported out of the Joint Committee on Advanced Information Technology, the Internet, and Cybersecurity last session. Though the bill is structured differently than the Massachusetts Consumer Data Privacy Act, it contains similarly strong data minimization provisons, a ban on the sale of sensitive data, and a private right of action. The Massachusetts Data Privacy Act was also introduced in the House of Representatives by Representatives Andres Vargas and David Rogers.

Senator Barry Finegold re-introduced the Massachustts Information Privacy and Security Act (SD2355), which pulls provisions from privacy laws from various jurisdictions including the EU’s GDPR.

“EPIC applauds the work of the numerous Massachusetts legislators who introduced strong comprehensive privacy bills this week,” said Caitriona Fitzgerald, Deputy Director at EPIC. “Rep. Farley-Bouvier, Senators Moore, Creem, and Finegold, and Reps. Vargas and Rogers have put forth thoughtful proposals that meaningfully improve on existing state privacy laws in ways that will provide Massachusetts residents with the privacy protections they need to stay safe online. We urge the Massachusetts Legislature to act on these bills this session.”

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