Alice Marwick
Assistant Professor, Fordham University
Alice Marwick is Director of the McGannon Communication Research Center and Assistant Professor of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham University. Her work investigates online identity and consumer culture through lenses of privacy, surveillance, consumption, and celebrity. Her first book, “Status Update: Celebrity and Attention in Web 2.0” (Yale University Press, 2013) is based on a multi-year ethnography of the San Francisco tech industry. Marwick’s current projects involve a study of sexism and misogynistic speech online conducted with CLIP; a long-term ethnographic research project on youth social media use in collaboration with Dr. danah boyd; and a tripartite project on conspicuous consumption involving fashion blogging, Pinterest, and Tumblr. Marwick was previously a postdoctoral researcher in the Social Media Collective at Microsoft Research New England. She is a frequent presenter at academic and industry conferences, regularly speaks to the press about various aspects of social media, and has written for The New York Times, The Daily Beast and The Guardian in addition to academic publications. Alice has a PhD from the Department of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University, a MA from the University of Washington and a BA from Wellesley College.