Stephanie Perrin

President, Digital Discretion, Inc.

Stephanie Perrin is President of Digital Discretion, Inc. She was the former Director of Integrity Policy at Service Canada, the largest service delivery department in the Canadian federal government, and also the former Director of Research and Policy at the Office of Privacy Commissioner, Canada. She was a well-known consultant in privacy and information policy issues, providing advice to industry and government in the practical implementation of data protection policies and procedures, and. an active participant in policy discussions involving civil liberties. She is the former Chief Privacy Officer of Zero-Knowledge, the first CPO in Canada, and has been active in a number of CPO associations, working with those responsible for implementing privacy in their organizations. Active in domestic and international privacy policy and compliance fora, Stephanie has been involved in privacy issues at the practical, policy and legislative level for many years.

Stephanie was instrumental in developing Canada’s privacy and cryptography policies for over fifteen years. In the early eighties, Stephanie was one of Canada’s first Freedom of Information and Privacy Officers, and was the first President of the professional association, the Canadian Access and Privacy Association. She has received awards for her work in furthering international work in freedom of information and privacy from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (Pioneer 2001) and the B.C. Freedom of Information and Privacy Association (2001).
