Supreme Court Asked to Hear Donor Privacy Case
August 28, 2019
An advocacy group has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a case concerning a California law requiring charitable organizations to disclose the names and addresses of their major donors. Last year, a federal appellate court found that the law does not violate the First Amendment "because the information is collected solely for nonpublic use, and the risk of inadvertent public disclosure is slight." EPIC filed an amicus brief in the case, arguing that the reporting requirement "infringes on several First Amendment interests, including the free exercise of religion, the freedom to express views without attribution, and the freedom to join in association with others without government monitoring." Citing several data breaches concerning state records, EPIC also explained that California had "failed to implement basic data protection standards" for donor information. EPIC has argued for donor privacy and similar constitutional rights of anonymity in Packingham v. North Carolina, Doe v. Reed, and Watchtower Bible v. Stratton.

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